Articoli rivista

Le scienze nella scuola dell'obbligo

ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLV - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 2012

Esperimenti nel piatto

Spaghetti can make an excellent physics lab dish. Eight ways of using spaghetti to show maths and physics topics in the lab. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXIII - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 1990

Fenomeni elettrici e fenomeni magnetici

An experience in teaching the fundamental concepts of the classical electromagnetic in middle-school (12 year old pupils) is reported. Very simple experiments on the magnetic effects induced by the electrical current and vice versa were developed by the pupils whose spontaneous descriptions, […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno L - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 2017
Le scienze nella scuola dell'obbligo

Il gruppo di lavoro “Scuola dell’Obbligo” Attività e prospettive per la scuola di base

In order to satisfy the need for a greater involvement of AI F in the training of primary and secondary school teachers, about a year ago the working group “Compulsory School” was formed. Starting from a ‘fact-finding’ investigation about the teaching of physics and of experimental sciences in ‘basic’ school , […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLVIII - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 2015

Il Sistema Solare con gli occhi di Galileo

This paper deals with a didactic activity on astronomy carried out with a class of 13 year old students, during 2014-15 school year. The topic is the “Solar System” and hypothesis about its shape made through the ages by scientists from Aristotle to Galileo. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLVI - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 2013

Il Sole e i punti cardinali, il cielo ci regala lo spazio e il tempo

This article reports about an engaging school activity performed in a class of 13-year-old students. The Sun’s daily motion in the sky was observed during the whole school year. We wanted to understand how it really changed day after day, if the Sun really rises in the East and sets in the West as it is commonly believed, […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXIV - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 1991

La propagazione rettilinea della luce: una unità didattica per la scuola media

This is a detailed report of the study of the basic properties of light propagation with a middle-school class of 12 year pupils. It required about 20 hours of classroom time. The pupils performed experiments on the linear propagation of light and on the reflection on plane and concave mirrors using simple apparatus. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXV - n.3 - luglio/settembre 1992
Le scienze nella scuola dell'obbligo

La respirazione: una esperienza didattica di Educazione Sanitaria e di Laboratorio di Fisica nella scuola dell’obbligo

The activities described in this article were carried out with a group of 17 12-year-old Middle School pupils. The project involved the Science Lab, the Gym and the Music Class. The pupils performed experiments using simple apparatus they built themselves and enhanced their ability to express themselves in music (playing the flute) and song. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLV - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 2012

Lo studio della caduta libera di un corpo in una Scuola Secondaria di I Grado

A school activity on free fall, aimed at 12-13 year old pupils, is described and discussed. […]

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