ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXXII - n.2 - aprile/giugno 1999

Alcuni aspetti della gravità quantistica

The work deals mainly with these three topics: a) Gravity is not a force, but a property of space time (curvature) b) The necessity of introduction of spin in General Relativity (torsion) c) The description of Gravity in real space time (geometric product), […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLVII - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 2014

Anche i fisici hanno umane debolezze

Last Spring’s sensational news, then proved to be rash, about the discovery of gravitational waves originated after the Big Bang, illustrate some unfair aspects of the methods used by the scientists in divulgating the results of their researches […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXIX - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 1996

Cicerone e la cosmologia platonica

“Somnium Scipionis”, the final fragment of Cicero’s “Republica”, written in a poetic and cultured style, summarises the most essential ideas of Platonic cosmology. It hands down to posterity, also through its interpreters, Macrobius in particular, the design of a universe governed by mathematical principles. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXX - n.2 - aprile/giugno 1997

Cinematica generalizzata

Starting from a reflection on the conceptual structure of physics, an approach to the description of different phenomena analogous to the kinematic approach to motions proposed. An explanation using the concept of energy as a primitive concept is then suggested. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLVI - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 2013

Cosa ci resta da scoprire?

Antonio Ereditato, former chairman of the OPERA collaboration at CERN and Gran Sasso, shares with the reader his views on the challenges that physics will be facing in the near future. He suggests five great questions that touch the limits of our present knowledge and represent a daring dream for scientists. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXVII - n.2 - aprile/giugno 1994

“Cose” e “Situazioni”. Modelli alternativi per la descrizione della fisica dei Sistemi Materiali.

Some considerations concerning the Physics of matter are made. In particular we stress that the knowledge of some general aspects of modern physics (like atomic and molecular physics, do not help in the teaching of the elementary physics, especially as far as every-day phenomena are concerned. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXX - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 1997

Dall’universo delle leggi naturali al mondo dei processi evolutivi

Until the nineteenfifties the general aim of science was the search for universal natural laws. In the sixties a radical change took place: advanced scientific research in many traditional subjects started to investigate the evolution of complex systems and of unpredictable and unrepeatable processes. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXX - n.2 - aprile/giugno 1997

Didattica disciplinare e bisogni formativi: risultati di un’indagine tra i frequentanti di un corso di perfezionamento per la formazione degli insegnanti

This article reports the results of two questionnaires on the backgrounds, attidudes and expectations of a substantial group of young science and mathematics teacher enroled in a university based specialisation course. The composition of the group can be confidently considered typical of the Italian situation, […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXVII - n.3 - luglio/settembre 1994

Einstein contro la meccanica quantistica

This article deals with the most important characteristic of Einstein thought, in relation to his opposition versus the Quantum Mechanics. A new explanation is proposed for this contrast: Einstein tries to understand microscopic phenomena by a non linear theory, to obtain with an opportune generalization the General Relativity. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXIX - n.3 - luglio/settembre 1996

Entropia e informazione nell’opera di Léon Brillouin

After the second world war, the birth of cybernetics and information theory gave rise to new conceptual tools for exploring the meaning of entropy and understanding its relation with information. The key scientist who exploited in a systematic way the relation between entropy and information was Léon Brillouin. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXVI - n.2 - aprile/giugno 1993

Esperimenti di avanguardia con la luce di sincrotrone: dalla spettroscopia alla diffrattometria

This paper describes some applications of the synchrotron radiation emitted by ELETTRA a third-generation dedicated synchrotron built near Trieste. ELETTRA will be a very strong source of well collimated X-rays. Among the uses of such radiation, Super-ESCA spectroscopy will allow very fast chemical analysis of surfaces, […]

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